
Hi y’all! I’m Alex Yang Wang. I’m currently a PhD student in CSE-Bio program at Georgia Tech, and work with Hannah Choi doing computational neuroscience. Before that, I somehow got an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, U.S., and an Honor B.S. degree in Chemistry (what?) at Wuhan University, China.

My current research is mainly around neural representation and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), especially around low-dimensional & low-rank neural representation in both Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and real neural data. They are somewhat abstract and machine-learning-like, but now I think this could be the right path. Besides that, I’m also fascinated by biophysical neurons and the chaos theory in random RNNs (call me an amatuer physicist lol).

Believing human society could be treated as a complex system just like neural networks, I’m also interested in collective effervescence (some cool examples happened in China: Boxer Rebellion, Red Guards, Qigong Fever). Why are people doing that? What’s the first principles and emergent machenisms behind them?

Besides research, I love coffee, puzzle solving, reading and water sports. I’m a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) and Splatoon (I main Dualie Squelchers, but only S rank, cuz I play Splatoon 3 less and less). My go-to coffee is always black sesame latte. I’m a rat & dog lover. Finally, I love cryptids, conspiracies and all kinds of wierd mysticism stuff (unfortunately I don’t believe in them, but I wish they are true), which makes my current favoraite TV show to be Resident Alien.


  • I’m going to GaTech!!! actually get a mixed feeling on this…
  • Graduate from Columbia! Also flied back from Maxico, I love the vibe of Mexico City

For more fun, make sure to check my blogs. Enjoy! :)